Together with the roof, sidings are the structural focal points of homes. They are the first contact points for any oncoming visitor.
This therefore indicates the need for having these two aspects in their best condition.
However, at times, you find that achieving the healthy condition of these aspects is challenging with damage coming from all angles.
So now the main question becomes, where does this damage come from?
Being aware of the different forms of damage on sidings can help you prepare adequately and effectively to combat them.
Water Damage
If there is one issue that proves very detrimental to sidings is water infiltration.
Hail Damage On Vinyl Siding
Water problems manifest as warps and peels of paint on the sidings. Water damage on sidings comes from different sources including rain, melting ice, and roof water. Upon seeing signs of water damage on your siding, the first place to look should be the siding itself. You cannot do much to prevent your siding walls from direct rain and ice. The only thing you can do is to seal the siding using epoxy resin and other water-resistant materials. The next place to check is the roof since any mishaps in the roof can direct roof water onto the siding walls. Having done that, ensure your yard runoff water does not come into contact with the walls by inclining the yard away from the house.
Roofing Issues
As previously mentioned, roofing issues too can contribute to the damage of the siding walls. These issues come in all manner of nature including faulty gutter systems and realigned overlaps in the shingle arrangement. When these happen, most of the rainwater that falls on the roof will end up on the siding walls before escaping into the yard. To combat this problem, install a proper gutter system that captures all roof water before losing it further in the yard, away from the house. Also, ensure the roof shingles are properly installed and that they overlap properly.
Installation Mishaps
The main issue that causes destruction to the siding arises from installation mishaps. Improperly installed sidings are prone to all manner of issues including water, pollutant, and pest infiltration. When these infiltrate the inner surfaces, they cause further damage to the sidings. Some of the common installation mishaps include lack of or improper overlap, lack of or improper sealant, as well as low-quality sidings. To combat this problem, be sure to be in coordination with a licensed and highly experienced contractor in the building of your new house. As you do that, be sure to purchase your sidings from trusted manufacturer.
Poor Maintenance
No matter the quality of material used on your exterior walls and the level of expertise invested into the construction, it is still prone to forces of deterioration. Adverse such as heat, water, and pollutants, common wear, and pest infestation can all contribute to the untimely destruction of the siding walls. These therefore call for regular proper upkeep since the experts can detect minor issues before they escalate to serious problems. The worst-case scenario is when the issues go unnoticed to the point of calling for a total overhaul of the wall. Such a situation would cost so much money and indefinitely displace your family as the sidings undergo repairs and replacement.
Adverse Weather
Harsh weather is another major threat to sidings, especially when they have been improperly installed. Strong winds can ablate weak sidings further, and expose them to more damage through water infiltration. The little crevices and cracks on faulty sidings can allow water infiltration. That little water introduces more damage when it freezes during winter and widens the cracks further.
Pest Infestation
From adverse weather, pest infestation is the second biggest contributor to damage on sidings. Pests such as termites, wasps and bugs can wreak havoc when they invade the inner surfaces on the sidings. As this happens, not just sidings are at risk of damage. Structural wood framing too, can be damaged and weaken the whole structure. The best way to deal with the issue of pests is to treat the framing wood and sidings with pest-repellent chemicals. Alternatively, you can procure extermination services before the pests wreak significant damage.
Damage to sidings can be a result of neglect. Lack of cleaning, repainting, and conducting regular checks can expose the sidings to elements and tear. This goes on to show just how much regular checks and proper maintenance are crucial to the health of your siding wall.